Update 4 :: 2019 early leaf fall

The character and functions of the Ecosystem Guild is slowly emerging like a blurry Polaroid.  Personally its been a crazy summer, with both my daughter heading overseas, and my family joining the Woodard Lane Co-Housing community, on the banks of Schneider Creek, among the West Bay ravines.

Three sections show progress toward our three-part vision of study, restore and protect.


Each motivated citizen has the capability to deeply understand their lands and community

I’ve been building tool kits that let us store information about sites, complete vegetation inventories, use on-line maps to curate places, and continue to write articles.  I am working on a reveg framework, expanding on The Cycles of Plant-Soil Work, leading to a revegetation retreat in spring, while continuing to support Citizen Science Institute with study materials, and hosting a Green Cove Open Space at Evergreen.

  • Salish Sea Wiki – I have established a wiki page for Green Cove Creek, and am starting a page for Grass Lakes Nature Reserve (see restoration), and  Sundberg Gravel Pit (see protection).  The wiki serves as a curated information archive.  At my day job we are re-establishing a contract for management of the wiki to update the skin for mobile use, add some simple google map capabilities and google earth inter-operability, and install a WYSIWYG editor.  Then we will start outreach to Western, UW, and Evergreen for long-term stewardship.  The wiki is available if anyone wants to find and archive documents and information about their own watershed or places.  We are looking for opportunities to teach graduate students about the wiki, as a tool for promoting and sharing their work.  If you have a team that would like to learn to use the wiki, contact info@ecosystemguild.org
  • Google Earth Pro Maps – I set up a prototype for using google maps pro as a platform for linking to the wiki, and for transferring landscape data.  There are google earth (KMZ) files or the Green Cove Creek watershed on the Green Cove Creek wikipage.  We have a map of South Sound watersheds in the wiki on the Ecosystem Guild Watershed Page.  You can download google earth pro for free, which is the easiest GIS platform.
  • Vegetation Survey Tools – I have published an initial plant list and survey tool on a google sheet.  Walking onto a site and documenting species present is a basic practice which supports restoration or protection.  These tool kits are being organized on the Ecological Site Assessment page.
  • Works In Progress – I published a pair of articles in our local progressive monthly:  Camping as a Way To Restore Watersheds, The Green Cove  Estuary – Everything We Need Is Right Here.
  • Next Step – Reveg Framework Article – I have been invited to write a proposal for a revegetation framework to be published in the Quarterly newsletter of the Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest.  I hope this will be a springboard to Revegetation Camp, and signal ongoing collaboration with SERNW.  I’ll be soliciting co-authors.
  • Next Step – Revegetation Camp – I am starting development of a revegetation camp in 2020.  This would involve a multi-day open space process, with
  • Next Step – Middle School Resources – Following a conversation with the Citizen Science Institute, I expect to be generating materials that help Middle School Students study restoration and protection, particularly growing native plants to restore Grass Lakes Reserve.  I am guessing that plant identification resources will be a critical foundation.  They would benefit from volunteers who could show up and help them with project work during the school day.
  • Next Step – Green Cove Open Space – I am planning on hosting a Green Cove Open Space event at Evergreen in Spring.  If you are interested in learning about open space facilitation, we’ll need a small team to implement.


Through community we restore water, biomass and biodiversity.

Restoration is the crucible in which we test our understanding of ecological systems.  Our initial work focuses on biomass and biodiversity, but ultimately restoration of water systems will be critical.  Stewardship of Wangari’s Grove on public land is a natural first step, and connecting to the Marshall Nursery.  Expansion could include either the Yogurt Farm site in north Grass Lakes or excursions to work on private lands.

  • Wangari’s Grove –  At our first tree planting with South Sound Green Party we planting into a young forest at the Kaiser Entrance to Grass Lakes, now casually named after Wangari Maathai.  The City has data about their work to date on this 5-year-old planting.  I would like to set up the ability to have casual tea, tending, and teach-ins there, so we can easily study restoration at Grass Lakes.  The City is amenable to leaving a tool trailer on site.  From there it will be easier to follow the seasons and learn what Guild Members want to study.  The grove was a high biodiversity planting into a blackberry conversion with only a mowing and grubbing, and light mulch, so its somewhat of a mess and needs help.  As such, and to justify the labor it will take, it could be developed as a seed collection and nursery site.  There is already a nice population of Lupinus rivularis.  The limitation is lack of water, but there is an adjacent wetland, so this could be solved with a header tank and a small solar pump, perhaps using existing sewer vaults, constructed and abandoned by the last development attempt before acquisition.
  • Next Step – Marshall Middle School – I am meeting with the Citizen Science Institute at Marshall to figure out how an Ecosystem Guild could help them (see study).  There is a patch of forest on their grounds as well several acres of potential reforestation.  They have an existing nursery and want to get into propagation of native plants.  They are connected to around 20% of the of the watershed population. They could use volunteers during school hours.
  • Next Step – Yogurt Farm – There is no restoration plan at the Yogurt Farm.  Based on how City staff are talking, I expect this will be a second generation site, focused on successional design.   Parks, with well timed advocacy from the Advisory Board, found money to install a trail from Road 65 to allow student pedestrian access.  This connects to approximately 11 acres of potential reforestation.
  • Next Step – Kaiser Wetland NE Shore – We have two landowners who are interested in collaborative stewardship of a couple acres of young alder forest around an old Spruce grove, and next to some Capital Land Trust plantings on private and public lands.  This could be The Guilds first foray into private land, once we have enough of a community.

I have not gotten as far along with the private lands on the NE Shore of Kaiser Wetlands.  I think we need a source of plants to do the work, and we missed the window for site prep in nice weather.

Grass Lakes has been shaping up, as City Environmental Services


We shape development so that it regenerates ecosystems as our population grows

I am concerned that we don’t have a strong protection strategy.  What I see from my initial surveys, is that we have an opposition strategy, but not a clear direction for what protection looks like as a proactive effort.

  • Sundberg Mill Site – After preparing a letter criticizing the Green Cove Garden development proposal , I’ve been curating a wiki page, and occasionally meeting with advocates.  Esther Kronenberg has been a stalwart leader through this process, gathering and distributing information, coordinating and supporting the efforts of others.  The City has provided substantive comments to the developer, requiring a more robust investigation of toxicology, and describing weakness of the storm water plan.  The game is still afoot.
  • Next Step – City Government – The city council election is a little over a month away, and there is very limited focus on ecosystem stewardship as part of the housing crisis.  Progressive effort appears to be focused on short game resistance to individual development proposals.  The long time City Manager has retired, creating a power vacuum that will be soon filled at City Hall.
  • Next Step – Watershed Analysis – The last undeveloped tributary into Green Cove Creek is largely owned by developers.  There are exceptional restoration opportunities in large parcels along the upper Green Cove main-stem.  Our best farm soils are at risk of being chopped into a large lot rural residential landscape.  These opportunities, and development pressures has not been well defined.  The City and County may not have the tools they need to make decisions.  There has been no cumulative effects assessment of development on the stream.  Both Wild Fish Conservancy and South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group are working on some habitat assessments in Green Cove Creek.  I will be exploring various part of watershed analysis through interviews with Evergreen faculty to understand their interest and  internship processes.  I will need to work with or create institutions able to support interns.
  • Next Step – Green Cove Open Space – I am hopeful that a protection discussion will develop through Open Space, so that we can begin to define a watershed protection vision sustains water, biomass, and biodiversity. If you are interested in learning about open space facilitation, we’ll need a small team to implement.

Ecological Site Assessment

This page is reserved for tactics, resources, and results of site assessments methods we are testing in the Green Cove Watershed.   Site assessment is usually at the scale of a parcel or cluster of parcels (read about systems assessment for stewardship design).  It is a form of study in preparation for restoration or protection (read about three capabilities).  I prefer to assess in bloom, drying or harvest because of fair weather, full development of leaves and flowers, and the overlap with site preparation (read about the eight seasons in general, or more specifically about cycles of plant-soil work.)

Climate varies predictable nuance across the lowland Salish Sea, and so is more a matter of general education than site specific analysis.

Landform, Soils and Water

Initial assessment of topography, soils, and hydrologic patterns in the Salish Sea benefit from the use of state and local data, with a geographic information system.  The Guild can publish watershed scale analyses as KMZ files, which can be viewed using Google Earth Pro.  We can develop common data sources and methods for the technical work, and also teach strategies for viewing and interpreting local data, on the desktop and on the ground.

  • Google Earth Package For Green Cove Watershed – includes DNR streams, waterbodies and soils, LiDAR derived flow pathways and depressions,  County wetland and parcels boundaries, Urban Growth Area boundaries,  and Ecology wetland probability.  We need to further standardize contents and cartography… ideas welcome.

Vegetation Inventory

A starting place for a site assessment is a vegetation inventory–a list of all the plant species present within an area.  The overall assemblage and species distribution can tell stories of the site history and condition.  We are developing a standard set of tools and protocols for visiting a site, creating and interpreting a professional quality plant list, and sharing that documentation with other guild members.

  • Lowland Puget Sound Plant List – a working product that includes 445 of the most common lowland plant species you can sort by form, family, or wetland code.  We are adding additional non-native species over time, following USDA conventions.  This is a “lookup” reference for all subsequent products using 6 letter codes
  • Vegetation Inventory Sheet – A form I can pull up on my phone using a Google Sheet app, when exploring a new vegetation patch.  It lets me produce a professional quality record in a few minutes using six letter codes (PSEMEN = Pseudotsuga menzeisii).
  • Forest Observation Skill Sheet – our first skill sheet–a condensation of forest ecology topics, to support a “newbie” in making observations of a forest’s structure.  We can complete additional skill sheets and other self-study aids.

Vegetation Inventory Atlas

The embedded google map below is a prototype of our data management strategy.  Each polygon links to a stable “place page” on the Salish Sea Restoration wiki.  From there you can get a site introduction and  follow links to relevant documents, including vegetation inventory sheets hosted on the guild’s google drive.  The overall structure is both free, and fairly resilient under update.  The wiki page and google map remain stable, while the KMZ file and information stored on the wiki page fluctuate.   Thus you can add a new site, or add additional information about sites, without updating the underlying architecture.


Below is a proposed standard new site visit protocol that establishes a spatial location and an associated wiki page.   This is roughly similar to the larger scale pattern on the watersheds page.

  1. Research soils, hydrology and canopy from desktop and anticipate vegetation zones.
  2. Arrive at field with data and smart phone (or synced sheet) and paper aerial photo with draft zones.
  3. Use Google Docs App to copy new vegetation inventory sheet to public folder and name appropriately.
  4. Use Google Sheet App to complete vegetation inventory, sketch survey area boundary.
  5. Add any new species to the master plant list, clean up the sheet, and add any notes.  Copy a view-only link to the sheet.
  6. Return to desktop, use Google Earth Pro to create and name a new polygon and add to vegetation survey folder.
  7. Create a new sub-section in the wiki-page for your place.  Add the view-only link to your vegetation inventory sheet.
  8. Save the wiki page, and copy the wiki page address to your Google Earth polygon.
  9. Save all polygons in your Google Earth Folder (including new survey site) as KMZ (add date to file name).
  10. Open Google Map, and upload the new KMZ into the existing map, and delete the old map (this should update all web based maps.)

4. The Drying

Early Summer

June 22 to August 5

The Drying begins with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, whether midsummer, St. Johns Day, Ukon juhla, Lithia, Kupala, Tiregān, Klidonas, or Päiväkäändjäne .  Whether celebrating “yin” forces, collecting water from the sea, eating pickled herring, or drinking lots of vodka, it is a global holiday, often including a bonfire.  The wetting rains are mostly finished.  The green world senses this edge, and switches from growth to insuring the survival of future generations.  

The purpose of growth shifts from expanding foliage to making seed.  The first fruits become ripe, and we begin to tap into our stores of water to support our agricultural projects.

Wild Creatures and Wildcraft

Juvenile salmon are heading to the open water.  Streams begin their hydrologic decline, increasingly depending on groundwater captured in winter.  Flowers are mostly gone, and replaced with green fruits, pods, or capsules.  The spring flush seems less succulent, as the whole forest seems to shrink a little.  As free water is depleted, every drink takes a little more work.

Berry season comes in a cascade that begins with strawberries and salmonberries, red huckleberries, followed by thimbleberries, amalanchier, evergreen huckleberry, and the vast mother-load of salal.  You can follow berries up the mountain slopes culminating in the harvest of high mountain huckleberries, where vast fields were maintained with fire since time before memory.  Greens are still present, with lamb’s quarters, young dock, and nipplewort, but selecting the right stock in the right place is increasingly important to avoid excess bitterness.


If you are going to provide water, now might be a good time to offer on last deep drink before hardening of shoots.  The growth you see now, is most of what you’ll get this year.  Now comes the test of survival.  Did roots grow deep enough to make it through the first season?  Did the right stock end up in the right place at the right time?

The spring ephemerals are going to seed, and signal the beginning of the seed collection season which will last from now through harvest.  A species may yield a few weeks early or late, depending on the pace of the drying, but in an orderly manner, one species after another, plumps, dries, and shatters its genetic life capsules into the soil seed bank. Seed harvesters intercept dry seed, advocates for plant dispersal.  For some species the window of opportunity may be only a few days.

At the nursery the endless watering begins.  Daily for the exposed pots, or those that were potted in too small of homes.  You can wait longer for stock that is heeled in, or in the ground, or even longer in capillary beds.  This is where minimizing stock in pots suddenly makes more sense.

Monitoring of vegetation continues, with each plants sexual parts on full display.  Grass flowers come into full form, with less familiar parts seldom explored: glumes, lemmas, and paleas.  Unwanted weeds put all their energy into shoots and flowers and so pulling will have maximum effect.

The Garden

In the food garden warm season crops are all in the ground and growing.  As in the native nursery, the watering begins.  Daily for the second wave of seeds every few days for other crops.  Perhaps an inch a week, either from sprinklers, or less if dripped under mulch.  Watering and weeding becomes most of gardening.

The harvest from spring plantings has arrived: salad, greens, young suculent roots.  The earliest vegetable fruits, are watched carefully: squash, cucumbers.  The real heat lovers, the tomato family of solanaceae are always lagging.

This is the season for the second major planting in the Maritime garden calendar.  In the drying, most of the overwinter foods go in the ground: kale and all the other brassicaceae, including root crops likes turnips and rutabega.  Also there are carrots and parsnips, and the spinach clan, including beets and chard.  Hardy lettuce relatives like endive and escarole.  These plantings may include both fall harvest, as well as overwintering varieties of broccoli or fava beans, that won’t yield until spring, but will precede spring plantings, filling the gap in March and April.

Project Management and Hazards

Earthworks are underway.  The ground is dry, and the risk of storms is past.  The spring freshet in snow-fed rivers is over.  Erosion management is replaced by dust management.

Community Schedules and Recreation

Summer schedules make organizing difficult.  Agencies workers with paid time off are are a revolving door of vacation messages.  Construction crews are working overtime, saving up for the winter lull.  Kids are in programs or daycare or with relatives or on vacations.

During the Drying the high country opens up.  Starting with patches of snow, then buggy, and finally glorious with flowers.  Drying is a window before the risks of the fire season.  Increasingly as climate change and generations of bad forest management come due, periods of smoke in summer will become a constant companion.

Politics and Government

The state budget is complete.  If there are new initiatives and programs are ramping up.  If there are cuts, managers are shuffling staff and budget around to fill holes and tighten belts.

The election season and the federal budget discussions are in full swing.  Of course is just as likely that there will still be no budget by the end of the fiscal year.  But the nature of the struggle to govern varies based on whether its an election year.  The Drying culminates in August recess, when congress returns to their districts.  Much preparation is made for their return, as this is when local lobbies can get access to their elected representative, take them on tours, and guide their thinking, or hold them accountable.

Previous: Bloom

Next:  Harvest

This post is part of a standing body of work to capture the seasonal nature of our social-ecological lives, and how they might apply to the work of the Ecosystem Guild and Restoration Camping.  

Three Capabilities for Stewardship

Green Cove Watershed could be the most cherished stream in South Puget Sound.  Olympia offers art shows to promote “the importance of salmon to our community.”  The Evergreen State College cultivates “creative, critical thinkers … for environmental work and leadership.”  However, if I want to understand stewardship, I listen to the swampy stream that sits between them.

Image: Wild Fish Conservancy (Glasgow 2018)

Most people I meet don’t know Green Cove Creek.  We don’t see Mud Bay Road as an indistinct saddle marking the Southern divide.  We don’t notice how our road causeways have walled its headwater swamps into cells, or where our polluted discharge trickles in through glacial swales.  We guess at how many different kinds of salamander have survived.  They wait for warm night rains to crawl our roads.  We don’t count the Green Cove chum thwarted at Country Club Road culvert to never make their nests.  We don’t gather or forage.  When we need water, we extract from injected well casing.  When we need food we bring it in on trucks.  We don’t see the land in front of us, and so how can we understand where we are going?

This discordant gap between the social narratives in our heads, and our relationship to the land in front of us, may be the cornerstone of our ecological crisis.  Each day we express in miniature, our relationship with the Salish Sea.  The most brutal parts of our colonial project are mostly complete, and unremembered.  Our new homeland has been tamed, made quiet, marked with deep wounds, drying out slowly with road ditches.

Green Cove Watershed is marked in purple, with surface water flow in blue, regulated wetlands are in Green. Grass Lakes collects runoff from West Olympia (1), which then flows into the Kaiser wetlands to the most frequently used amphibian crossing at Kaiser Road (2) amid forests protected by Capitol Land Trust, before going under Evergreen Parkway and into the Green Cove ravine. In 2018, over 500 chum returned to the creek, struggling to get upstream of two culverts (3). The proposed Green Cove Park subdivision provides an example of poor stewardship (4), while students and teachers at Hansen and Marshall schools (5) are positioned in the middle of the watershed, and want to study where they live.

There is a quiet struggle at Green Cove Creek.  Twenty years ago the City was impelled to buy the Grass Lakes, and signed the Green Cove Watershed Plan–another treaty.  South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group is just starting to explore the salmon-bearing habitats, a project recommended 20 years ago.  Project managers grimace at the fish-barrier culvert buried deep under road fill (have we ever abandoned a road, for the love of a stream?)  There is a volunteer that counts salmon redds.  The Squaxin Nation struggles at more urgent sites.  Between Streamteam, Stormwater and Parks, the City affords a little work here and there.  A couple middle school teachers sustain a science and service program, and Native Plant Salvage Foundation lends a hand.  Capitol Land Trust stopped buying land in Green Cove when Thurston County started hoarding all our Conservation Futures money to offset prairie development.  Sometimes groups of college students wander by and look.  Government biologists count mud minnows.  Community activism ebbs and flows with each new subdivision proposal.  Does this add up to stewardship?

A stig is a old English hall or home; a weard is the ward or guardian.  Steward is a verb.  If we don’t guard the hall of Green Cove Creek, what do we expect for the Salish Sea?  The number of institutions dabbling in Green Cove offers an illusion of stewardship.  I propose that we fundamentally lack the social infrastructure to be stewards our watershed.  Don’t take this personally; it could be said for any watershed.  Anyone in the ecosystem industry can tell stories.  Watershed stewardship depends on three practical capabilities that emerge from culture.

STUDY – First, we must be capable of study.  I don’t mean sporadic environmental education lectures, but rather that we have the mechanisms by which every citizen can grow to deeply understand their home. This means that we gather and organize evidence and knowledge, and share it with each other constantly.  We remember together, and we observe the land and synthesize shared knowledge of where we live.  This capability cannot be found in our schools nor our governments.  We must become again, our own carriers of knowledge, and we lack the rituals to do the work.

PROTECT – Second, we must be capable of protecting.  All our laws, acts, plans, and restoration projects will not defend the watershed.  At this moment in the watershed, a Puyallup developer wants to build a monocrop of 181 single family homes on an illegal garbage dump located a five-minute drive from 11 toxic waste sites.  We struggle to push our city government to negotiate on our behalf.  This is just one of a monotonous series of development proposals grinding away at the last forests and soils of Green Cove Creek; each trying to extract the maximum, and give the least.  Do we just wait for the next one to roll in?  Protection is more than effective resistance (and our resistance could be much more effective.)  We must enforce good planning at the permit counter.  We must enforce clear vision at the ballot box.  We need the tools for regenerative development, so we don’t depend on out-of-town profiteers to tell us how to build our home.  Mass migration and climate change are coming.  Do we understand what we need to do?

RESTORE – Finally we must be capable of restoring.   We can be allies to beaver clans, infiltrate water, capture carbon in forests and soils, and re-weave the web of life.  We need not wait in line for state and federal grants.  Restoration can be a community celebration that only requires of us that we understand and take control of our existing shared resources.  Restoration is an educational opportunity for our schools.  Restoration is employment that builds knowledge, belonging, and wealth.  We can restore a watershed with a graduate student, a farmer’s backhoe, and a middle school nursery.  What exactly are we waiting for?

In practice, our capabilities to study, protect and restore are interdependent, and will work in synergy.  These capabilities will not be given to us.  This is a do-it-yourself retrofit that we must earn.  We must rebuild the “common hall”.  This requires continuous practical effort.  I am doubtful that we should build new institutions.  We have plenty of institutions.  What we need is to lean in and shape the ones we have, to become part of a clearer vision and a stronger effort, more deeply rooted in a culture of stewardship.  This requires that we shape how we spend our lives, and nimbly gather in shared work.  I hear my professional colleagues say we need more resources to be stewards.  I have to laugh. We squander more resources than anywhere on earth!  You don’t buy a culture. Everything we need is right here.

End Note – Green Cove Watershed are lands of the Squaxin Indian Tribe ceded under duress, cared for by their ancestors since time before memory (probably at least 400 generations).  Our stewardship is described through ALL our relationships.  We are in a relationship with the Palouse hills, the floodplains of the Mississippi, the Amazon Basin and the coastal peatlands of Borneo.  We give away our agency, and then our agents work in our name. There are stewards also struggling in those watersheds, and they also need our help.

Green Cove Watershed

Green Cove Watershed is the largest watershed on Cooper Point on the Edge of the City of Olympia, and the natal site of the Ecosystem Guild.  It cradles a vast wetland complex, with amphibians, bittern, green heron, mud minnow and other uncommon species.  These wetlands recharge the local aquifer, providing drinking water for the city and residents, and feed a small stream that flows to Eld Inlet, and supports a robust chum salmon run.  This tapestry of life has flourished for perhaps 5,000 years under the stewardship of people now known as the Squaxin Island Tribe.

While the system is a priority for local salmon recovery on paper, the development of the watershed is continuing beyond even modest stream protection targets set by the City in 1998, and forest health is declining with ivy and holly expanding in many stands.  There are approximately 5,000 watershed residents, but no shared vision for the future of the watershed.  The county has a 10% per year population growth rate, and residents have few mechanisms for exerting their stewardship.  We aim to build a systematic community-led effort capable of perpetual watershed stewardship under population growth and climate change.

The Green Cove Strategy

We collect documents and other resources about the watershed on the Salish Sea Restoration Wiki.  Which is a free regional information sharing platform.  The decision to focus on Green Cove is in Update – 2018 Harvest and a summary of findings and strategy are in Update – 2019 Springtime

The following efforts are underway in Green Cove Creek Watershed:

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3. Bloom

Late Spring

May 1 to June 22

Bloom begins on Mayday, the apex of growth, when there is both warmth and moisture.  The risk of frost is past.  The abundance of nature is an official holiday in 66 nations.  Called Floralia, Maiouma, Walpurgis Night, Beltane, Calan Mai, Vappen, Kevadpüha,   Calendimaggio,  Irminden,  Prvomajski uranak; the list goes on and on, but they all involve some combination of fire, frolicking, flowers, and baby animals.

The risk of frost is past.  Even as shrubs with overwintering flower buds finish their bloom, buds formed on spring shoots start to ripen.  Winter storms give way to fickle showers, occasional downpours, and parades of big puffy clouds.  Bloom brings the first rumors of the dry season, as the gap between wetting rain increases.

Wild Creatures and Wildcraft

Chinook salmon smolts linger in estuaries. In rivers with spring freshets melting snow there may be returns of “spring Chinook” that come to hold in rivers until spawning in fall.  These precious runs, stocked with oceanic fats, are now mostly gone, or hanging on by a few hundred individuals hunting for cold water in summer. Coho fry avoid the mai stem, heading for cool ponds and wetlands to over-summer.  The flush feast of salmon smolts pouring into the estuaries and shorelines all spring are coming to an end.

Baby animals make easy prey–a great deal of evolution happens during Bloom.  Many spring greens become bitter with flowering, the mushrooms are winding down, but the berries are still green and hard, but the meadows are full of succulent browse.  The reminders of winter are gone.


Wildland tenders catch your breath and enjoy the abundance of the green cloak.  Buds are all broken, seeds sprouted. The balance of energy has swung from storage root to burgeoning shoot.  If the drought comes early, you’ll see it coming in Bloom.  The clouds come and go, but the rains never quite wet the ground like they used to. Every green creature is leveraging the last easy water to fuel its annual increment of growth.

Meadows left to grow tall are ready for a first cutting, either to reduce competition for water, or for gathering mulch.  Scything in Bloom is a pleasure, as a sharp blade sweeps through turgid and succulent growth.  Rearranging biomass on a site is a simple disturbance that can favor out-plantings, smother competition, feed soil biota, and preserve soil moisture. Mulch piles and windrows can be placed to make easy planting sites for the next dormant season.

Growers are finishing dividing, and potting up stock, for fall sale. Now is the last chance to prompt an increase of production with special orders.  Bloom is also the very beginning of the seed collecting season, starting with early ephemerals.

Bloom is the best time for precise observation of complex vegetation.  Flowers and a hand lens allow for the precise identification of difficult species,  Everything is in full leaf allowing for easy quantification of canopy cover, and relative dominance at the peak of growth.  Problematic species are easy to spot, and as they come into bloom, root energy is at its nadir, making control by pulling or grubbing more effective.

The Garden

If springtime is busy, bloom is doubly so.  The early greens are ready for harvest, and overwintering cole crops are bursting with flowers, garlic scapes are ready.  Even as harvest begin in earnest, a second wave of leaves and roots are planted.  Then the peas start producing for the freezer, requiring frequent attention.

With the end of the frost and warming soil, the full summer garden goes in the ground: nightshades, cucurbits, beans, and corn.  Germination is fast and reliable, as long as seeds are kept moist.  Irrigation systems are deployed, and hopefully have been tested and repaired back in spring time.  Periods of cloudiness make for good transplanting and seeding.  Occasional hot days are good for weeding.  Cloches and row covers are retired.

In the tillage garden, to save on watering and weeding, mulches go down.  In wilder self-sowing gardens, thinning and harvest can keep crops from bolting early.

Project Management and Hazards

With rainstorms occasional or absent, the season of heavy equipment and earthwork has come.  Seasonal labor positions are filled for vegetation surveys, weed control, stream surveys, and landscape crews.

With Chinook salmon out of the rivers, the “fish window” opens–the permitted beginning of in-water work.  New stream channels are dug, and wood jams stuffed into stream banks.

The whole mess must be buttoned up by the rains of frost. So work on big projects is like a starting gun at the races.

Community Schedules and Recreation

Bloom is the end of the school year, a final flurry of activity, with finals and ceremony and then summer.  Families with vacation use it. Students with service learning are desperate to fill their hours.

Politics and Government

If there is a special session, the state legislative session drags into Bloom, but if not, the state legislature goes silent, even as the federal legislature heats up.

The release of the presidential budget marks the beginning of the budget season.  Constituents see the fate of their favorite programs and move to influence the legislature.  With events, dinners, publicity stunts, showcases, and rallys, interested stakeholders parade through the nations capital.

Grant and project programs are in full swing, awarding contracts, negotiating grants and agreements, hurrying to complete financial work before end-of-year cutoffs in summer and the winding down of the fiscal year.

Previous: Springtime

Next:  The Drying

This post is part of a standing body of work to capture the seasonal nature of our social-ecological lives, and how they might apply to the work of the Ecosystem Guild and Restoration Camping.  

Update 3 :: 2019 Springtime

Time for a deeper update on my exploration of the Ecosystem Guild vision in Green Cove Creek Watershed.  In the last installment (Update – 2018 Harvest) I resolved to temporarily shift focus away from restoration camping, and explore Green Cove Creek, to focus on the missing mechanisms necessary for communities to protect and restore watersheds in Lowland Puget Sound.  I also concluded that restoration camping is all about people, and it seemed like Green Cove was a good place to start building a local community that could ultimately lead restoration camping in South Puget Sound.

This report is long so here is a one paragraph summary:

Summary – Over the last 6 months I produced eight essays, sketched a  framework of restoration skills, contributed research to a fight over a watershed development proposal, developed conceptual design for a field station, developed and ran workshops on amphibians and hardwood cuttings, did a bunch of mapping and research, and supported a park planting.  More importantly I became much more familiar with the Green Cove Watershed–below I briefly describe 24 institutions and sub-cultures in Green Cove.  I initiated work between five watershed partners on a grant proposal that we agreed to postpone.  All the makings of an Ecosystem Guild are present, but not integrated.  We need a more robust systems to educate stewards, and to protect and restore the watershed.  I propose an integrated model for building these capabilities, using a mix of on-line technical content, a project-based “open consultancy” teaching approach, and a flipped classroom model for skill building, based on evolving regional standards for restoration and protection practice.  This allows us to begin on-the-ground work, as we build capabilities. There are many sites where we could begin, but I suggest two open consultancies on a private wetland-forest edge and a school mother-garden.  Collective impact theory offers concepts for developing backbone functions to improve community performance.  As we develop these pilot efforts, we can cultivate and test backbone functions that support future work.  This strategy provides a clearer role for interns, and suggests two workshops, to initiate development of South Puget Sound revegetation standards, and to build community functions among Green Cove Watershed partners.

Report on Past Objectives

In my report last Harvest I set the following objectives, and have made some progress:

  1. Publish the eight season year as a framework – Six seasons are drafted–two more to go.  Read more about The Eight Season Year of the Salish Sea and how it defines both ecological and social work.
  2. Develop a modular education strategy – I sketched a master list of skills necessary for restoration, and from these picked a core of skills that would allow a community to start restoring vegetation.  I started a species list and recovered teaching aids from a previous school garden project.  To minimize direct instruction I imagine a  Flipped Classroom Model where individuals are able to self study, and we focus time together on learning through applying knowledge through field work.  To support this I imagine organizing knowledge and skill learning around a set of standards for completing field work.  We have concrete opportunities to run and refine standards in Green Cove at the middle school and college level over three sites (a school, a park, and private conservation parcels) where we can implement through a practice I learned from Darren Doherty called “open consultancy”.  Read more below.
  3. Develop LLC structure – After investigation, I decided that piggy-backing on existing institutional structures is more efficient for the moment–becoming a volunteer in schools, NGOs, and the City.  This “volunteer” status, done with full disclosure of my ulterior intent of restoring watersheds, also provides a deeper understanding of institutional sub-cultures.  There will come a time, when it will be important to own collective property or manage liability outside the scope of existing institutions, and that will require a new institution.  I have started framing a LLC operating agreement using a “sociocratic governance with planned mitosis” model (some of the possible functions are discussed below as part of Backbone).
  4. Develop and test a mobile field station – I have a bunch of sketches, have done some research into materials, but am still short of specifications for an initial build.  My conceptual design is for a 4’x4’x8′ trailer box with a tool shed on one site, and a kitchen/classroom on the other, that unfolds to a 10′ x 24′ tent structure.  Human waste would be managed through a bucket-based composting toilet.  It still seems like a mobile field station may be premature, but will become suddenly relevant if we are ready to spend more time in the field away from infrastructure.  Describing these systems will require another blog entry, and construction will have to be passed to collaborators or would pull me away from other activities.
  5. Community weaving in the Green Cove Creek Watershed – Much of my work has been focused on getting to know the watershed communities.  What an incredible community and place!  Perhaps every place is a thing of beauty when fully appreciated.  I’ve established a GIS and document archive.  We’ve had two workshops on amphibians and cuttings, a planting work party with the city, discussions with the city about park access, and conversations around a prospective grant application, along with some social gatherings.  I’ve had a large number of private conversations.  My assessment of this community, and my plan for how to proceed is the bulk of my report below.

To remain organized I like to focused on the desired end state–a social system capable of capturing rain, building biomass in forests and soils, and sustaining biological diversity (see Three Simple Goals), as a collaborative activity where everyone benefits through reciprocity (see System Among Neighbors). To achieve these goals, we need three tangible capabilities:  the ability to restore, the ability to protect, and the ability to educate ourselves.  In practice these three capabilities are intertwined and mutually supporting.

These capabilities largely depend on having the right forms of cultural capital present in the community (See Systems Assessment for Stewardship Design for a more abstract discussion of social flows and forms of capital).  For these reasons, understanding the people in the watershed, and their institutions and sub-cultures is very important.  People are the cradle of vision, investors in resources, and carriers knowledge.  I start by reviewing 24 Green Cove institutions and sub-cultures I have observed.

I am trying to decide where to invest my efforts in developing “backbone functions” that are missing in the existing social system (for a simplistic example: Green Cove has abundant shovels, and students wanting to do work, but lacks a good plant species list, and nursery management knowledge).  This is where an Ecosystem Guild could aim to catalyze community capability.  The critical principle at work is to remain focused on the capability of the local social system to do the work.  We are not colonizing a watershed community to support a new institution.  We are strategically building relationships among existing institutions to create new watershed capabilities.

Institutions in Green Cove

I’ve had conversations with around 20 individuals involved in the watershed.  I describe institutions and sub-cultures, in part to give individuals some privacy.  I am increasingly convinced that our creations are largely built of relationships among individuals.  Some people wield disproportionate creative or adaptive capabilities, or may be skilled at crossing institutional or sub-cultural boundaries.  I believe deep watershed stewardship will depend on a diverse and inclusive network of these people.

Olympia School District – The school district has Career Training and Education (CTE) programs, that provides funds to schools and teachers, to give middle school and high school students work-like experiences.  These programs attract students that are not engaged in sports or music or other extracurricular interests.  There are allies in the watershed that are interested in developing a natural resource management CTE program at the high school level.  CTE programs have access to resources that enable students to do real world work.  Because of the overburden placed on teachers running these programs, they need help engaging professional communities, developing technical resources, and identifying meaningful watershed projects.

Marshall Middle School Citizen Science Institute – In the middle of the watershed two middle school teachers are attempting to fully realize an integrated social and natural science-based education program.  They have 60 students in an integrated half-day program and another 180 students/year involved in CTE programs around natural resource careers and horticulture.  They have an existing garden/nursery, but want a stronger nursery plan.  They are interested in shifting production towards native plants for watershed restoration.  This team is adjacent to an alternative elementary school, and has access to a 19 acre, ecologically underdeveloped school yard located a 10 minute walk from a network of degraded headwater wetlands, but in many cases pedestrian access is limited due to property restrictions.  Schools provide a natural social hub for child-rearing families across the watershed. We introduced Marshall to the Native Plant Salvage Foundation (who is interested in developing a network of school native plan salvage and nursery programs)  This note may be a key target for a future grant, although we agreed that seeking a 2019 No Child Left Inside grant was premature.  We began negotiations with parks and local property owners to support pedestrian access to restoration sites.

The Evergreen State College Programs – There are many faculty at The Evergreen State College that teach programs that consider some elements of watershed restoration.  Evergreen programs are like tourists, in that they may visit the watershed but move on, preoccupied with paper studies and the resulting degrees.  Some faculty are associated with durable campus projects (Natural History Museum, Ethnobotany Gardens, GIS Lab, Organic Farm) but are generally heavily burdened with teaching duties, and it will be difficult to cultivate strong commitments to watershed restoration.  However, even the ephemeral attention of programs is the best way to connect with students.

Evergreen Students (sub-culture) – A 15 minute bike ride from the heart of the watershed, Evergreen students have a variety of opportunities to complete Student Oriented Studies (SOS) and Internships as part of their education, and are seeking practical experiences as an entry point to the job market.  There is an internship database where The Guild could facilitate involvement of students.  Graduate programs have mailing lists of students looking for research projects, and there is a community liaison for undergraduates.  It is otherwise very difficult to communicate with students and faculty directly.  Breaking into social networks will take some persistence.  Interns require solid mentorship and deserve investment.  Development of standard project-based practices can make intern entry into productive work easier for everyone.  A reputation for providing good quality internships can increase the quality of candidates.

Stream Team – Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and Thurston County are required to sustain a volunteer coordination, education and outreach system, as part of their NPDES permit under the Clean Water Act.  Four stream team staff have varying professional skills and ambitions, but are directly charged with supporting watershed monitoring and restoration.  They are also constrained by their institutional mandates, and shape their work based on personal interests.  Stream Team also manages a regional mailing list of several thousand interested citizens.

City of Olympia Parks – Grass Lakes Nature Reserve is a city owned wetland complex, with restoration potential at the Green Cove headwaters.  Park staff are overburdened with general park management, such as maintaining trails, picking up garbage, responding to people living in the woods, and maintaining infrastructure and gardens.  Parks has a volunteer program that is organized but small.  Many neighbors don’t know that Grass Lakes Reserve even exists, and park staff are poorly positioned to develop networks within the watershed community.  They do have equipment and budget for restoration, and a mandate to support restoration and environmental education, and establish public/private partnerships to maximize the public value of park properties.  Parks is generally focused on their own properties and their own needs.

City of Olympia, Environmental Services – This small shop within Public Works is responsible for managing the hydrology of the City of Olympia.  Each municipality has such a “surface water utility” authority, and raises revenue through a parcel assessment.  These professionals have access to the inner workings of local governments, manage modest public budgets, own tools, and can provide technical assistance and project management.  This team operates a small nursery for growing out bare-root stock, and has been working to accelerate restoration of city parks, but can also work in private greenbelts or public rights-of-way to achieve public benefits.

Agency Scientists (sub-culture) – I am lumping agencies and focusing on technical staff within agencies, because except for a few exceptions most natural resource agencies have no durable direct relationship with Green Cove Watershed.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and US Fish and Wildlife Service are the primary natural science agencies for the state and federal government respectively.  They are loaded with expertise in a variety topics, such as amphibian ecology, fisheries.  They have colleagues in USGS, Ecology, NOAA, WDNR and other agencies.  Staff from Stream Team and WDFW supported a lecture on amphibian conservation we set up at the Unitarian Church.  There is a USFWS team monitoring Olympia mud minnow in the Green Cove wetlands.  This inter-agency sub-culture has the ability to put small bits of time into community projects, and can share high quality knowledge and advice, but typically doesn’t develop long-term relationships, and is preoccupied with funded work.

Native Plant Salvage Foundation – A small local volunteer NGO with two paid staff and an active board, has been salvaging and growing native plants.  Native Plant Salvage sometimes serves as a contractor to Capital Land Trust and others doing native plant work.  They offer plant ID training, including winter twigs, and are increasingly supporting school nurseries, and have long term relationships with an assortment of sites.  They are willing to serve as a 501(c)3 fiscal agent if the project is right, but have very limited staff capacity to grow, and don’t have a mechanism for growing a larger staff without grants.

Wild Fish Conservancy – Wild Fish is a regional advocacy, science and restoration NGO, but some of their science staff live in the watershed, and have been tracking the chum salmon run on Green Cove Creek.  This brings fishery knowledge to the watershed.  In addition WFC has supported mud minnow research, and has specialized in using rigorous methods to expand local government protections under existing rules by documenting fisheries.

Capital Land Trust & Partners – There are eight parcels near the north end of the Kaiser Swamp, and abutting Evergreen land, where easements or title owned by CLT.  They have a restoration, stewardship, and outreach staff, working across all CLT holdings, and they are interested in collaborating on watershed stewardship.  In general, they limit public use, but are exploring how to increase public access to some sites.  CLT has a regional donor network, but has not been pursuing acquisition in the watershed lately for a variety of complex reasons. CLT provides a bridge to a population of private conservation land owners, and is exploring increased public access to its holdings.

NIMBYs (sub-culture)– There is a network of individuals with some legal and science experience that come out of the woodwork to fight development proposals.  This includes people active in local neighborhood association.  The latest recurring conflagration has been over a development proposal to build 180 housing units on the old Sundberg Gravel Pit, which is an abandoned gravel mine, used as an unregulated dump site, located a five minute drive from 11 toxic waste sites.  The NIMBYs tend to react to development proposals, don’t have clear objectives for future watershed condition, but are extremely motivated when aroused.  They form an episodic communication network, but are not united in philosophy or methods, and core members, through repeated battle, have developed a warrior ethos.

Homeowners and Neighborhood Associations – Gold Crest and Cooper Crest are two HOAs recognized by the city as neighborhood organisations.  There are several other Neighborhoods on the eastern periphery of the watershed, but much of the urbanized watershed is composed of disorganized sub-divisions, or unincorporated county, without functioning neighborhood organizations.  Some of these institutions own greenbelts or storm water ponds that provide key corridors for water, wildlife, and forest remnants.  Many HOA/Neighborhoods have some kind of internal communication network, but don’t have a clear vision of watershed status or future, and may be preoccupied with internal neighborhood politics.

The Trail Builders (sub-culture) – There is a proposed pedestrian trail network that passes through the southern side of the watershed, being developed by a group of well-connected retired professional advocates, with relationships in state and local government.  These advocates are using their networks to incrementally build a regional pedestrian and bicycle trail system that will connect the State Capital to Capital Forest on the SW edge of the greater Olympia city-state.

Religious Institutions – I have heard bits about four religious communities that reside around the edge of the watershed: a Catholic parish, a LDS Temple, a Baptist Church, and the Unitarian Church.  The LDS and Baptist leadership appear supportive of the trail builders, and the Unitarian Church has an earth stewardship group that has offered their facilities for public meetings to support watershed restoration.  There are other potential religious communities that I have not explored.  Each religious institution manages a communications network within its membership–it is unclear to what extent each of these institutions have a city-wide draw, or represents a more local population.

Olympia Coalition for Ecosystem Preservation – a small alliance of professionals advocating for protection and restoration of ecosystems in the vicinity of Olympia, currently focused on the westside green belts along Budd Inlet, but also interested in continuing to develop their capabilities.  There is some relationship between members of the Coalition and both Evergreen and St. Martins colleges, and other regional restoration workgroups.

Sound Native Plants – A regionally known native plant nursery and restoration contractor lives in the South of the watershed, and has a wealth of experience and skills, but needs to survive through more or less continuous contracting, but has a community-oriented world view and has supported local work in the past.

Thurston County – Under the Hirst Decision a county was sued for allow development without knowing the status of groundwater.  Thurston County is now responsible for evaluating the groundwater status of the watershed under new state requirements, and has regulatory jurisdiction over half the watershed.  The county has a fish passage program that is seeking to avoid inaction in the face of legal liability under tribal treaty rights.  There are two fish passage barriers in the lower watershed that appear to be affecting spawner distribution.  The county led a watershed planning process 20 years ago, that set targets for forest cover, and warned of damage to the watershed from development that has been implemented in some ways, and neglected in others.

Farmers (sub-culture) – We have contacts among a scattering of crop farmers and grazers in the watershed, mostly clustered on the SW corner of the watershed, grazing goats, and running organic community-supported agriculture or intensive vegetable production operations.  They are generally supportive of ecosystem conservation, have knowledge, skills and equipment, and also need to use a large portion of their land and labor for commercial food production to make a living.

Thurston Conservation District – The CD is a county-wide “special purpose district” with a budget based on parcel assessments, and staff that administer technical assistance and cost share programs, particularly to farmers, but also to private land owners, to solve ecological problems.  They also run a environmental education program in schools focused on water quality monitoring (South Sound GREEN), but don’t have a particular presence in Green Cove.  The District has been under assault from politically conservatives that think that the CD should be only be providing farmer subsidies, and not participating in restoration.

Veterans Ecological Trades Collective – A growing network of veterans, now based on a new farm in south Thurston County, organized around permaculture principles, are seeking to develop skills and land access for veterans, in fields related to forestry, farming, and ecosystem management.   They may enjoy practical training opportunities.

Capitol High School – A 15 minute walk from Grass Lakes, the high school has a greenhouse, a horticulture program, and an environmental club.  The cross country program may use trails in the park once access is increased by the Trail Builders.

South Puget Sound Community College – similar to Evergreen, SPSCC has internship opportunities, a horticulture program, and a natural resource science offerings, and may more more organized communications networks than Evergreen, and is located in the adjacent Percival Creek Watershed.

Blue Heron Bakery – A local restaurant and cafe on the south edge of the watershed that has offered using their space for community events.

South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group – a regional fishery enhancement group, SPSSEG has project management capability for in-stream work and assessment, and is completing a habitat assessment of Green Cove Creek using state grants.

Bark and Garden Center – the largest retail ornamental nursery in Olympia,  serves the gourmet gardening community of Olympia.  They don’t have a workshop schedule, and their communications network is unknown.

Master Gardeners Foundation of Thurston County – a network of gardeners that host workshops and provides 40-hours of detailed ornamental garden and integrated pest management training in exchange for 40 hours of volunteer community services.  Master gardener graduates are looking for volunteer opportunities.

A Vision for Three Capabilities

Plainly, an “Ecosystem Guild” of sorts exists in the watershed, but it is fragmented, doesn’t have shared ecological goals, and lacks the capabilities necessary to restore and protect the watershed.  Many individuals are overburdened, or missing specific resources to realize their hopes and visions.  There are multiple social networks, but very little local place-based ecological knowledge in circulation.  There are tangible pools of capital that are underutilized.  Ecological work is limited in scope and fragmented.

I propose a set of three future conditions that describe our ability to achieve an educated community capable of protection and restoration:


  • Transparent – the state of the watershed is transparent to each resident.  
  • Free Knowledge – The knowledge and skills necessary to protect and restore ecosystems are available to anyone in the watershed that is willing to apply effort toward watershed restoration. 
  • Self-aware – The watershed community can generate accurate knowledge of watershed condition.

To protect and restore, a watershed community must have knowledge and skills.  When a watershed community can all plainly see the condition of the watershed, and answer its own questions, and has the skills and knowledge to act, then a community can begin to protect and restore in earnest.


  • Proactive – residents anticipate impacts, and can work to increase protection prior to a crisis.
  • Efficient – the processes and tools necessary to address threats are ready and at hand and do not excessively drain resources.
  • Accountable – the inability of local governments to provide ecosystem protection are remembered and addressed at the ballot box.

When an educated watershed community understands the character of threats, and has proactive strategies and resources in place to either immediately counteract threats, or pursue redress over time, then a community can protect a watershed.


  • Self-reliant – The community has the institutions, knowledge and skills to design and implement restoration of the water, biomass, and diversity.
  • Integrated – Restoration efforts are part of the economic and cultural life of the community, and provide multiple benefits.

When a community that is able to protect its resource base has the resources to design and implement restoration, and when that work comes naturally and is socially fulfilling, than a community can restore a watershed.

A Strategy

We need a strategy for developing these three conditions and capabilities.  Of course we can refine our destination over time, but it is important to start heading somewhere if we don’t like where we are.  If we can support meaningful learning through meaningful work we can be very efficient and effective.  I propose a mix of 1) on-line guild-generated educational content, 2) coupled with project-based “open consultancy” teaching, and 3) a flipped classroom model for connecting skill building related to the project work.  This approach will likely require a “collective impact” approach among watershed partners, and the development of some “backbone functions”.  Lets break that down:

The best example of a user-generated content platform is a wiki.  The Salish Sea Restoration Wiki provides a framework in which anyone can contribute and organize content.  This framework can incorporate both open-source content through an archive, and proprietary content through links.  Wiki links are stable over time.  This kind of open-source repository becomes an open archive and reference manual for our work.  Project after project, site after site, watershed after watershed, you can easily refer back to continuously improving wiki content, rather than republishing resources, evidence or materials.

An open consultancy using continuously improved standards is where a professional provides a consultant service to a land owner or manager, to design and implement restoration or protection efforts.  Unlike private work, the open consultancy solves a problem by teaching a group of students and the client to do the work through sharing standard methods (documented in the public domain on the wiki).  The professional builds intellectual and experiential capital in the community, while generating a protection or restoration product, while further refining shared standard methods through the interaction.  The client gets a product, and diverse views of the problem, while learning the methods by which they can adaptively managing the site over time.  The student gets to immediately exercise and test new knowledge and skills in a practical context.  Consultants, students, and clients contribute to improved standards through the process of doing work.

The flipped classroom model is where a student is taught knowledge through on-line reading or video, so that workshop and field time is reserved for experiential skill development and getting the work done.  This allows the student to control the pace of knowledge transfer, and puts responsibility back on the student, for fully engaging in the open consultancy and ecological knowledge.  A flipped model standardizes the knowledge available to students and clients as they enter the open consultancy, regardless of the consultant running the project, and reduces the cost and effort to the consultant, maximizing the value for everyone involved.  By coupling the flipped classroom with continuously improved standards, everyone involved in a project becomes more effective over time.

Needless to say, we are not there yet.  Neither the shared restoration and protection standards, the skill and knowledge base, nor the  self-study resources, exist in the public domain.  In addition, consultants with the technical knowledge to restore and protect, usually lack skill as teachers.   The carriers of knowledge and skill (among agencies, NGOs, and private contractors) have typically not organized knowledge for efficient transfer, nor are they motivated to do so.  This work is delegated to academic settings that typically lack practical experience.  We do have substantial knowledge about the watershed, but lack detail.  The professional restoration system, holds tremendous knowledge in private contractors, who sell knowledge and skill at $100/hour, which watershed residents can never afford.  Institutions that do environmental education, don’t invest in skill development or information storage and retrieval, and depend on a direct instruction model for sharing knowledge (which has a low up-front cost but doesn’t generate a durable and retrievable resource).  Environmental educators working with the general public rarely have the confidence or experience to run an open consultancy.  Researchers typically lack practical experience in manipulating systems.  Public agencies, which have a public benefit mandate, are overburdened or lack a shared strategy, platform, or motive for making knowledge transferable  and empowering residents in protection or restoration.

So we have all the bits and pieces present in Green Cove, along with a huge concentration of industrial resources, but we are not organized into a functioning system.  I believe there is an opportunity to develop a model system in Green Cove, in collaboration with local and regional partners.

To not get lost in discussion, and get to work, we need sites where we can start to experiment with open consultancy.

I am aware of four potential landscape sites at different scales and with different functions that could serve as a test.  There are many other potential sites beyond these, but each of these landscapes has an existing protection and restoration stewardship community, and an immediate opportunity to conduct a consultancy:

  1. Kaiser Wetlands private conservation lands (site-scale restoration)
  2. The Marshall Middle School (site-scale nursery/mother-garden)
  3. The Grass Lakes Nature Refuge (multi-scale restoration)
  4. The Olympia urban growth area (landscape scale protection)

The watershed also has a potential student body, including middle school students, college students, neighborhood stewards, and professional and amateur training students. So what kind of situation makes for a good open consultancy pilot site for a startup?

  • The land manager is interested and supportive of the model
  • There is a discoverable body of students attracted to the work
  • The work in not too complex (to reduce the initial burden for standard development and skill training)
  • We have guild volunteers willing to serve as consultants

The Guild will need to define an “open consultancy standard” which describes how we coordinate the professionals, interns, and students and bring them into a relationship; and define scope with the land manager, while designing the project to social and ecological context at multiple scales.  We will need to outline standard practices for assessment, design, and implementation of restoration and protection work.  In some cases we’ll be designing standards as we go.  We need to support the consultancy by teaching knowledge and skills, using self-learning materials.  We need to understand and align with the cycles of the 8 seasons.  We’ll need to efficiently develop lessons on video that students can self-study before field work.

This will take more work than just running a “sage on the stage” workshop.  However, I suspect we may be creating much more value over time.  Each open consultancy generates cultural capital that supports the next consultancy.  In this model the processes of learning, teaching, design and implementation are integrated.  You are both doing stewardship and building systems that make stewardship easier.

A Proposal For An Initial Open Consultancy

I believe the best fit to test an open consultancy model would be restoration of private wetland buffers, and development of a mother-garden at Marshall Middle School.  As an example, here is how institutions and sub-cultures within Green Cove might be organized to conduct the Kaiser Wetland Work.

Kaiser Wetlands Buffer Restoration

Subject:  Patch Scale Stewardship in a Wetland Buffer Forest – increasing infiltration, biomass potential and biodiversity support in a degraded young forest stand.

Target Standards: 

  • Stormwater Infiltration
  • Forest Patch Stewardship

Client:  Capitol Land Trust and Affiliated Private Landowners

Consultant:  Ecosystem Guild and a Restoration Standards Partnership (potentially including City of Olympia Environmental Services, Sound Native Plants, Native Plant Salvage Foundation, Veterans Ecological Trades Collective, Stream Team, Agency Scientists, Thurston Conservation District, or Capitol Land Trust)

Students: Evergreen Students, Marshall Middle School, Homeowners and Neighborhood Associations, NIMBYs, South Puget Sound Community College, Veterans Ecological Trades Collective, or Master Gardeners.


Following the Agile development strategy we need to quickly develop a working prototype.  Our first open consultancy will likely be improvised and rough, grabbing resources and methods off the shelf.  As we go we will be developing our skill at defining and evaluating a standard.  Does is embody good design?  Does it integrate multiple scales?  Does it describe the range of variation?  Should the standard be split or lumped?  Also, as we do the work we should be thinking about how each event serves to build the backbone functions that support collective impact in the watershed.  Six principles define backbone organization function under a Collective Impact model.

  1. Maintain clarity of purpose (realign, communicate, co-create)
  2. Drive long-term momentum and growth (partner raising, build community, strategic partners, recognition, autonomy, ROI narratives, conditions for innovation)
  3. Build Partnership Identity (formal launch, rituals, team-building, work in and on partnership)
  4. Connect and Align People and Activities (conscious integration, map skills, define domain and role, good meetings, accountability, build memory)
  5. Involve the Watershed Community (understand needs, focused co-creation, engagement, agile development,
  6. Measure and Learn (critical metrics, data stories, find problems)

Building on these backbone concepts, I propose two workshops.  Timing and location depend on community interest.  To reduce workshop cost, we would test a modified “open space technology” standard, where both the summoning query, and elements of the open space deliverables are more deeply defined in advance.  These two workshops would directly reinforce the open consultancy model, and strengthen the consultant community.

  • Regional Revegetation Standards Retreat – NGOs, local governements, Conservation Districts, Tribes and Conservation Corps conduct revegetation all over lowland Puget SOund.  We would benefit from developing shared standards for assessment, design, installation and monitoring of projects so that we can improve our efficiency and effectiveness.  This retreat bring together interested parties to establish a revegetation section of the Salish Sea Wiki, and initiate information sharing among revegetation workgroups.
  • Green Cove Watershed Retreat – This workshop would bring together individuals from among the institutions and subcultures described above, to explore the development of backbone functions for the Green Cove Creek Watershed.

But What About Restoration Camping?!

I did want to briefly mention that I have not forgotten in any way about restoration camping.  What I believe that I am described above is the social context for restoration camping, which is essentially a sequence of open consultancies, delivered through a mobile field camp.  One step at a time.









2. Springtime

Early Spring

March 20 to May 1

Springtime begins on the Vernal Equinox in late March.  The balance of light and dark has been celebrated around the world since time before memory, and is now remembered as Nawruz, Higan, Easter or Passover.  Days lengthen and shoots and flowers spill from swelling buds.  By Mayday, the green cloak is renewed and, Springtime turns to Bloom.

During Springtime, the soil temperature warms triggering germination and growth.  Cyclonic storms may still come, and frost on clear nights.   Those who think about water in a changing climate are measuring snow pack and hoping for spring rains and strong growth before the droughts .

Wild Creatures and Wildcraft
Salmon fry (photo: UW)

The wild salmon are on the move.  Fry float downstream foraging and lurk in shadow, trying to stay alive.  Many creatures gather for the feast of baby salmon.  Each fry finds its niche.  The coho seek still water to rear, while chum slip quickly to saltwater marsh and eelgrass meadows.  Even a single species may divide into life history groups, following different paths, to find the unique opportunities of each river, imprinted in genetic memories.

Spring perennial greens flush and are at their most tender, even before the spring kitchen garden begin to germinate: nettles, fiddleheads and diverse young shoots form a nutrient dense “spring tonic”.  Many of the best greens are ephemeral, and quickly become bitter with the bloom.  Bags of nettles go directly in the freezer.  With the spring comes the once-a-year flow of sap–not as heavy with ritual as among the Eastern sugar maples, but still a significant for easily stripping bark for fiber.

Over spring time, the dawn chorus slowly grows to a crescendo.  As the days get longer, you might take a walk at dawn before the day begins, and hear one of natural wonders of the world, as birds from every forest strata stake their claim.

Sitka spruce candles breaking bud

We hope we are done transplanting, but there are always stragglers.  In springtime you get to see the efficacy of last years disturbances, any tilling and mulching to create gaps into which we insert plants.  Root fragments and seed banks spring anew, to compete with out-plantings and sown seeds. Any weakness in site preparation, planting stock, or installation becomes evident to sensitive eyes over springtime.

Unless you are in wetlands, this is your one solid and reliable season of growth before the summer drought begins menacing young plants.   Seeds scattered in fall and spring germinate in this momentary overlap between winter wet and summer warmth.  Some may mulch with stockpiles of tree service wood chips, but growth is still slow, such that spring mowning of hay mulch won’t really begin until Bloom, except on the warmest of sites.

In an ideal world we are finishing the design work for the plantings that will go in the ground next winter: planning site preparation, calculating  areas and stock counts, so we can count our stock, get in line for purchasing from growers, or plan field collection of cuttings.  If you are custom growing for unusual species, you may be looking two seasons ahead, and setting targets for seed collection.

Organized project managers are making plant orders to reserve uncommon stock before the summer rush.  Green shoots begin to emerge, allowing more efficient and complete site assessment of species composition on new sites.

THE Garden
Labelled seedlings is a wild teaching garden.

The first waves of seeding and transplanting of cool season crops begin in springtime.  four plant families dominate the cool-weather garden:  Spinach (Chenopodaceae), Mustard  (Brassicaceae), Carrot (Apiaceae) and Lettuce (Compositae).  Root crops are planted from seed, while in intensive gardens, greens  are often transplanted to maximize the use of space.

Tillage gardens are in constant motion, with a constant flow of bed preparation, seeding, watering, and transplanting.   Semi-wild gardens spring to life from seed and root with less supervision and effort.  Being able to recognize seedlings of diverse species is important for reading the trajectory of a semi-wild garden.  Springtime pasture cuttings and lawn clippings can make good mulch even in more refined gardens, with short tidy stems and few seeds.  Many winter-germinating weeds find their way into salads.

Project Management and Hazards

Springtime weather is in constant flux.  Permits are well in the cue for any dry season construction.  Requests for new information can stall the clock.  The full project slate for summer and fall is starting to come into focus.

There is the the potential for rain on snow events in the mountains.  Snow fed streams can be scoured by spring freshets that leave the banks and rework floodplains.  In rivers and streams confined or incised from development, floods flush salmon to the sea, before they are ready, and weaken the river rearing segments of the population.

Politics and Government

In the Washington state legislature, the casualties pile up.  Bills die quietly in the corners of legislative committees.  Well supported pairs of bills walk confidently out of senate and house.  Sometimes rumpled and mismatched bills define future negotiations.  The policy dynamics of the legislature is coming into focus, as the resolve and interests of legislators are tested and revealed.

In odd years, the Washington State biennial budget is a battleground, in two waves:  the operating budget is first, funding the executive agencies.  The capital budget comes second, refined by revenue predictions.  The factors affecting each are different, but together they determine the capabilities of government for the next two years.  Off-year adjustments to these big biennial budgets rarely add up to much.

On the national stage there may still be no federal budget for the fiscal year already thorough its second quarter.  Over the last decade or longer, “continuing resolutions” have become the method of managing the nations finances.  Even after appropriations, programs may wait as internal agency politics, further apportion the budget line, until a final verdict is delivered to offices, divisions, and programs .  Bureaucrats spend the next three seasons trying to stuff resources through contracting and grant making systems before end-of-year cutoffs sweep those that can’t spend fast enough.

Even as the current federal fiscal year comes into clarity, the struggle for the next federal budget year begins.  Perhaps in Budswell we first see the “Pres Bud” or the official presidential budget for the executive branch.  But that executive proclamation, is only an opening move, and does not appropriate funds.  Lobbyists begin exercising their networks to support their favorite programs in the legislature.

Against the backdrop of legislation and budgets, there is renewed electioneering and the spring recess in April.  In even years, a proportion of each state delegations prepares for their election campaigns and challengers and their patrons line up to wrest power from sitting representatives.  Political battles can spill over from the floor of the legislature into the streets of local districts and back again.  The governing work and the electoral show are muddled together.

Local governments watch carefully, as their work may hinge and shift on a sudden decision or demand at the state and federal level.  In return, local governments are a motivated player within the state and federal arena, living at the downstream end of a food chain of funding and rules.

Previous:  Budswell

Next:  Bloom

This post is part of a standing body of work to capture the seasonal nature of our social-ecological lives, and how they might apply to the work of the Ecosystem Guild and Restoration Camping.  

Update 2 :: 2019 Budswell

Winter is coming to an end and the growing season has begun.

Web Infrastructure and content generation

Content development has been focused on the eight season year, now 5/8 complete, and developing a framework around watershed stewardship.

The website has an average of 7.3 users a day with around 15 page views.  Web traffic is more strongly driven by facebook than e-mail.  Promotion can bump traffic to 20-30 visitors in a day, whereas a mailchimp newsletter only yields around 10-15.  I suspect people go into social media wanting to browse, while email feels more intrusive.  That is how I feel.  When I open e-mail I am looking for friends who write.  When I go to social media, I am looking for new information.

As I slowly wander around in the role of social media promoter, I find myself doubting the ultimate value and function of an e-commerce approach to ecosystem restoration and watershed stewardship.  Digital simulacrums are not the great work of our time.  I suspect it is now better to leave a good and simple signpost, and focus on building the field camp.

Communications and Community Development


My current practice is to post to the facebook group and then “share” the post with a set of related regional grounds (for example, Restore Cascadia). Bi-seasonally (every 6.5 weeks or so) I send an email update to the MailChimp list, including any new articles or other events. My goal has been to have this update coincide with work plan review, and public event to date held at the library, a public park, or a local restaurant.


Public events are labor intensive but have created a small network of more engaged individuals (the listserve) and several valuable leads.  However one-on-one interviews and chance conversations have been just as productive if not more so.  I think an improvement would be to have pre-scheduled planning and social meetings at a fixed location and time, located within the target watershed, and focused on next steps while allowing newcomers to connect with the project.

The eight-times-per-year newsletter and planning session feels like an appropriate schedule. Long enough to allow for meaningful work, but frequent enough to maintain contact. However there is I think very little interest in “planning something”. I think we’ll be much more effective developing and marketing products, rather that attracting people to co-create an idea. This is disappointing but not surprising.


My proximate goal is to develop a modular educational program, that is focused on 1) watershed risk analysis, 2) watershed vegetation management strategies, and 3) government engagement strategies and tactics.  I would test this program in association with specific watersheds. These events and content generated for these activities provides a stronger community building base of activity.

Through education I want to focus effort on building and empowering the existing direct-action volunteer restoration community. The existing volunteer mobilization system is competitive and designed to serve institutions rather than build a dynamic and self-organizing volunteer network. I will approach existing restoration partners and learn how we can empower their volunteer communities.

Institutional Structure


After researching operating agreements, and templates for cooperative and sociocratic governance I am preparing a LLC operating agreement.  This will allow me to enter into agreements and manage accounts, and bring new individuals into a formal collaborative relationship. I have a few collaborators willing to review, but I am now assuming that partners want to see the product, not design the vehicle.  The function of the LLC will be to run camps and projects and create a foundation to support volunteer empowerment (either free standing or as a project of an existing 501c3 non-profit corporate partner.)

Camping, Tools, and Nomadic Infrastructure


At this point I am focussed on developing a personal kit with which I can support field camps. I have a trailer hitch and have purchased and am assembling a 4 x 8 foot, 1720 lb capacity trailer.  I have sketch designs for modular components that can be mounted on the trailer and expand to a tarp-covered workshop, tool shed, kitchen and classroom. This would be an initial “expeditionary” unit, and could demonstrate a number of technologies that would transfer to nomadic residential restoration camping. My personal hand-tool kit is relatively complete, but only supports one worker. Existing volunteer organizations offer tool loans to support larger crews over the short term. I have designs for a mobile rocket stove core using perilite and refractory cement for cooking or heating that need to be tested. I have located designs for a well-designed, self-contained and mobile composting toilet system based on 55-gallon polyethelene drums.


I am planning on developing this expeditionary kit and testing it at day-camps, where we provide self-contained food, water, and comfort on site with local materials. This will support both publicity and give a field-testing opportunity. Restoration and workshop events will generate donations to support expansion of unique equipment not available from local partners (for example: construction materials, solar water pumping, broad forks, scythes, or resources for tool maintenance and stewardship).

Scatter Creek Prospecting


I invested substantial time in building a potential relationship with Heernett Environmental Foundation and its lands, a large conservation landowner in the Scatter Creek Watershed. They were a “rural land trust” with a “working land” ethos, and so were supportive of active land management including camping, much more so that “urban environmentalist” land trusts. Staffing turnover within Heernett has delayed any relationship there. Multiple calls to director of Center for Natural Lands Management, also active in the watershed, have not been returned. Veterans Ecological Trades Collective is in the early stages of establishing an incubator farm and training facility also in the Scatter Creek Watershed, but the location next to the freeway is less attractive for destination camping. 


I suspect Scatter Creek will become an important watershed over time, but the challenge to access Heernett lands and the distance from the South Sound population core reduces my enthusiasm for Scatter Creek as an initial watershed. Based on some initial queries and conversations, I am not anticipating strong volunteer engagement from the local community around restoration. CNLM does not appear to be a motivated partner at this time. I suspect the Guild project needs to start in a population core to build a community base, rather than a location farther afield that requires more effort to lure community. In the future, the Heernett lands on the Chehalis River at the Scatter Creek Community Farm, amidst the Independence Valley farming community may provide the best local opportunity for stepping into a farming landscape with our proposed stewardship and reciprocity model.  I aim to continue promotion and support for VETC with mapping and in other little ways where I can, ultimately they may be partners in developing a second-generation expeditionary kit through a grant.  I will continue to connect with CNLM staff as part of a larger community of volunteer recruiters.

Forestland Prospecting


I had discussions with Nisqually Land Trust about the community forest initiative on Busy Wild Creek in the headwaters of the Mashel watershed..  These lands are adjacent to the Mt Tahoma Trails Association easements, a large cross-country volunteer-managed hut-to-hut ski cooperative. Nisqually Community Forest and neighbors may prove to be a good target, and Busy Wild is a core for Nisqually River steelhead productivity. The site is even farther from a population core than Scatter Creek and so the same challenges are present. There are also “community forest initiatives” on the state-managed Teanaway Project and through the Chimacum Ridge Vision of Jefferson County Land Trust.

I’ve had a few short conversations with a private landowner in the Decker Creek Watershed in the Satsop near Matlock. The Satsop watershed is controlled by Green Diamond, and Decker Creek is one of many corporate-controlled industrial forest watershed. The Satsop is one of four priority watershed for fishery enhancement in the Chehalis Basin Strategy. The interested landowner is within a patch of in-holdings known as “Deckerville” upstream of a recent Capitol Land Trust acquisition, a large wetland complex. This may be an interesting opportunity, but is again removed from our core regional population, and I’d want to explore the relationship with Green Diamond and other local partners before focusing operations in the Satsop.


Learning how to support “community forest” efforts, and building relationships for direct interaction between nearby forestland catchments and local communities offers a very exciting opportunity for reconnecting rural production, urban consumption, and forest stewardship. I believe that stepping into a forested headwaters is a logical next step following more community development within an ex-urban setting, and as we develop guild community and capacity for self-sufficient field work.

Green Cove Creek Prospecting


Green Cove Creek Watershed is a small coastal catchment which occupies most of Cooper Point Peninsula, half in the City of Olympia, and half in unincorporated Thurston County. It includes the Grass Lakes Nature Reserve, eight Capital Land Trust properties and easements, portions of The Evergreen State College, as well as several small organic CSAs and farms providing food for the Olympia Area (e.g. Calliope, Common Ground, Township 18). An expansive wetland complex feeds a very small coho and cutthroat stream. Despite designation as a conservation watershed by City and County, it is being modified by residential development pressure, and the hydrologic integrity of the system, compromised by colonization, will be severely tested under population growth and climate change. The threatened Olympic Mud Minnow has been observed within the wetland complex along with a beaver population, creating some interesting legal entanglements. Because of city regulation there are considerable open space landscapes and unmanaged trails that have limited stewardship and appear barely used by the surrounding community, but which can provide plant materials and an educational resources. We have connected with a couple of motivated conservation land owners and the City of Olympia, and there are restoration sites, and a small existing volunteer community working at Grass Lakes.


I am coming to the conclusion that it will be very difficult to start both residential camping, on-the-ground restoration, and community development all simultaneously. The on-the-ground work is critical to maintain a direct action focus, and for skill development.  Community development is the center of the ecosystem guild-restoration camping model.  Because of this it makes sense for camping to come later, emerging from the volunteer restoration community as we are ready. This suggests our first phase should be building and empowering a volunteer community which will be done most efficiently from within our most restoration-sympathetic population core (the Olympia “city-state”). Many of the qualities and technologies of a residential camp can be developed in the context of a “day camp” on city or private conservation lands. These day camp sites can also be developed for managed native vegetation that support watershed operations.


I am planning on moving forward with a “Green Cove Creek Watershed approach” by verifying volunteer networks and site access and the willingness of the landowners to actively managed native vegetation for production. Such a strategy would focus on community development within the watershed, refining a watershed strategy built from existing conservation efforts, and developing a volunteer organization and empowerment system in synergy with existing parcel-based actors. Our goal will be for this community to become self-organizing, and serve as a model and springboard into similar ex-urban watersheds (for example: Mission/Ellis, Woodard/Woodland), and also to serve as the foundation for expeditions into the agricultural and forestland landscapes surrounding the Olympia city-state.

Eight organizations all recruit volunteers in the Olympia “city-state”. The proximity of Green Cove Creek to The Evergreen State College, and to a lesser degree South Puget Sound Community College, creates the opportunity to match local residents and technical support, with youthful enthusiasm and academic projects to strengthen community development.

What is The Guild and Restoration Camping?

This post is a re-printing of an old website page.  Some of the concepts have evolved, and we've shifted the website to less wordy introductions, but it is an interesting look back at The Guild and Restoration Camping as envisioned in February of 2018, right before buying the domain name.

This is a conceptual design for the ecosystem guild and restoration camping in Q&A format; a hypothesis of how we can achieve our principles. It will have to evolve over time under principled stewardship of a community. Get involved. Please share thoughts or ask a question.