Update 6 :: 2021 May Day

This is a short update following our first “Ecosystem Guild Murmuration.” It was quite a personal adventure to be so visible, and produce video messages for the universe, and then to have people show up who care about what I am caring about.

This first video lays out my assessment of our situation, as a civilization in overshoot and facing global ecological collapse, and lacking the culture necessary to survive. I end with an invitation to gather together on May Day to explore what it might look like to organize and work on this problem together.

At the meeting, which I called a murmuration, I provided my assessment of the challenges of trying to build a regenerative bioregional culture based on consent, within an existing culture based on hierarchy and colonization. I outline a set of three principles that I think are important, and allow us to work better together. I propose three things we can do before another murmuration for the harvest festival, half way between the solstice and the equinox.

Those three suggestions are to:

  1. Clarify and declare your purpose relative to our predicament, and seek others who share that purpose, and who you trust. Consider focusing your purpose of creating social or ecological infrastructure at the interface of our social systems and ecosystems. Consider if you are located within or want to build a stronghold.
  2. Check out the Hylo Network and The Salish Sea Restoration Wiki as a potential shared information architecture that can support us in group formation, stronghold development, and for me at least, mobile ecological field stations! I will be providing guided tours between now and the next murmuration.
  3. Join the Harvest Murmuration (to be announced) half way between the summer solstice and the equinox and marking the beginning of the Season of Harvest.

It was such a pleasure to have that time together, and I very much look forward to meeting The Guild.